There is an issue with the "cargo" JSON string
In its present form, it will not validate at
Here is what
cargo looks like when pulled out of a tuple:
\"locator\": \"tuplesR\",
\"smallIcon\": \"snowflake.png\",
\"subOf\": \"PropertyType\",
\"details\": \"TheTopicQueststypologyrestrictedtuplelistpropertytype.\",
\"isPrivate\": \"false\",
\"creatorId\": \"SystemUser\",
\"label\": \"RestrictedTupleListPropertyType\",
\"lastEditDate\": \"2013-02-16T01: 10: 33.551Z\",
\"largeIcon\": \"snowflake.png\",
\"createdDate\": \"2013-02-16T01: 10: 33.551Z\"
The reason for
\" instead of
" is that
nested quoted strings must be
escaped. What this means is that, in order to send
cargo over to SolrAgentFramework when called by any agent, we must clean up the
cargo string to look like the following, which validates:
"locator": "tuplesR",
"smallIcon": "snowflake.png",
"subOf": "PropertyType",
"details": "TheTopicQueststypologyrestrictedtuplelistpropertytype.",
"isPrivate": "false",
"creatorId": "SystemUser",
"label": "RestrictedTupleListPropertyType",
"lastEditDate": "2013-02-16T01: 10: 33.551Z",
"largeIcon": "snowflake.png",
"createdDate": "2013-02-16T01: 10: 33.551Z"