2. Group Alignment and Effectiveness
Exploring the KF email discussion thread on group alignment and effectiveness – started by Sam.
From Sam via email:
Can a group be aligned and effective? - Teams and organization studies and theory suggest yes
- Companies, charters, Indian nations, Constitutional government,...
- Legal structure and precedent
- Must it be this way?
(How) Can a group be non-aligned and effective? - To be effective, one must know what one is trying to achieve.
- To measure, one must know that the measurements lead to those achievements, not leading astray
- (like stack-ranking employees to get "performance")
- To measure properly, one must have an understanding (ever-improving, incremental) of that plan and how it will achieve.
- Without alignment, each action / exertion of energy potentially is in opposite or canceling directions / effects.
- How can collaboration happen without alignment?
- DNA from the same species can reproduce a new entity
- DNA from different species cannot reproduce a new entity
Can a group be non-explicit and yet aligned? Can it grow and still be?
Can alignment be non-explicit and yet effective? Can it grow and still be?
Implicit? Once one realizes the implication, isn't it explicit?
A second image shared by Sam:
...and response from Jack.
What I see:
"At the bottom, the entire landscape as a knowledge garden; near the top, individual guilds running specific quests, where the quests define missions, guild leaders and game mechanics conspire to marshal values."
...and a third image shared by Sam: