Lindy - No Knock Raid

It's a no knock raid
Don't be afraid
We'll shoot your dogs
in front of your kids
'cause we are the SWAT
we're here for your pot
and all the cash that you got
We are adreniline junkies
taking orders from the top.

The KGB and the DEA
they'll make you disappear
like in Guantanamo Bay
in the middle of the night
you'll have nothing to say
if we get the wrong address
it doesn't matter anyway
We'll still get our kicks
We'll still have our fun
Yeah we are the SWAT
we are the adreniline junkies
'til the drugs are all gone

It's a "no-knock" raid, don't be afraid;
paramilitary police state on parade.
It's a no knock raid, don't be afraid;
You do the time for your victimless crime.
And it's a no knock raid
It's a no knock raid
Don't be afraid

This is a war
and this is your fate
we are the face
of your new police state
We are the law
and we got the guns
statutory power
mandatory minimums
We are the SWAT
We're here for your pot
and all the cash that you got
we are adreniline junkies
taking orders from the Czar

It's a "no-knock" raid, don't be afraid;
paramilitary police state on parade.
It's a no knock raid, don't be afraid;
You do the time for your victimless crime.

And it's a no knock raid
It's a no knock raid
Don't be afraid
Paramilitary police state on parade
Flash bang on the ground
don't hear a sound
Could be you,
could be the mayor of your town

And it's a no knock raid
it's a no knock raid
don't be afraid
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