19. Everyday Life Is The Path

Joshu asked Nansen: "What is the path?"

Nansen said: "Everyday life is the path."

Joshu asked: "Can it be studied?"

Nansen said: "If you try to study, you will be far away from it."

Joshu asked: "If I do not study, how can I know it is the path?"

Nansen said: "The path does not belong to the perception world, neither does it belong to the nonperception world. Cognition is a delusion and noncognition is senseless. If you want to reach the true path beyond doubt, place yourself in the same freedom as sky. You name it neither good nor not-good."

At these words Joshu was enlightened.

Mumon’s comment: Nansen could melt Joshu's frozen doubts at once when Joshu asked his questions. I doubt though if Joshu reached the point that Nansen did. He needed thirty more years of study.

In spring, hundreds of flowers; in autumn, a harvest moon;
In summer, a refreshing breeze; in winter, snow will accompany you.
If useless things do not hang in your mind,
Any season is a good season for you.

The Gateless Gate
19. Everyday Life Is The Path
01. Joshu's Dog
07. Joshu Washes a Bowl
11. Joshu Examines a Monk in Meditation
14. Nansen Cuts the Cat in Two
31. Joshu Investigates
38. An Oak Tree In The Garden
14. Nansen Cuts the Cat in Two
27. It Is Not Mind, It Is Not Buddha, It Is Not Things
34. Learning Is Not The Path
01. Joshu's Dog
07. Joshu Washes a Bowl
11. Joshu Examines a Monk in Meditation
14. Nansen Cuts the Cat in Two
31. Joshu Investigates
38. An Oak Tree In The Garden
14. Nansen Cuts the Cat in Two
27. It Is Not Mind, It Is Not Buddha, It Is Not Things
34. Learning Is Not The Path
01. Joshu's Dog
02. Hyakujo's Fox
03. Gutei's Finger
04. A Beardless Foreigner
05. Kyogen Mounts the Tree
06. Buddha Twirls a Flower
07. Joshu Washes a Bowl
08. Keichu's Wheel
09. A Buddha Before History
10. Seizei Alone and Poor
11. Joshu Examines a Monk in Meditation
12. Zuigan Calls His Own Master
13. Tokusan Holds His Bowl
14. Nansen Cuts the Cat in Two
15. Tozan's Three Blows
16. Bells And Robes
17. The Three Calls Of The Emperor's Teacher
18. Tozan's Three Pounds
20. The Enlightened Man
21. Dried Dung
22. Kashapa's Preaching Sign
23. Do Not Think Good, Do Not Think Not-Good
24. Without Words, Without Silence
25. Preaching From The Third Seat
26. Two Monks Roll Up The Screen
27. It Is Not Mind, It Is Not Buddha, It Is Not Things
28. Blow Out The Candle
29. Not The Wind, Not The Flag
30. This Mind Is Buddha
31. Joshu Investigates
32. A Philosopher Asks Buddha
33. This Mind Is Not Buddha
34. Learning Is Not The Path
35. Two Souls
36. Meeting A Zen Master On The Road
37. A Buffalo Passes Through The Enclosure
38. An Oak Tree In The Garden
39. Ummon's Sidetrack
40. Tipping Over A Water Vase
41. Bodhidharma Pacifies The Mind
42. The Girl Comes Out From Meditation
43. Shuzan's Short Staff
44. Basho's Staff
45. Who Is He?
46. Proceed From The Top of The Pole
47. Three Gates Of Tosotsu
48. One Road Of Kembo
49. Amban's Addition
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