An Empowerment & Engagement Ecology
Project developed by Helene
An ecology and process methodology for empowerment and enablement to foster engagement and continued action are summarized here:
One of the striking conclusions of these discussions that constituted a research subject in themselves has been that even when animated by similar overall intentions and driven by converging purposes, people seemed to struggle to find common ground and to agree on priorities, goals, outcomes, methodologies…
This led me to reflect on the dynamics of change and transformation and on the conditions under which transformation and evolution could occur more than on the actual resources, models and systems that needed to be put into place. Because when thoroughly researching what was available, one discovers that much of the required solutions are already known and running somewhere. And what is missing is visibility, accessibility, actionability, interoperability, and the power to act. This is the object of this debategraph and of a follow up question on LinkedIn:
The linked The Living WE - An Ecology for Transformative Action map is a work consecutive to this UN discussion and other discussions that the initiator of the discussion has been holding in the past year on other Social platforms and in 'real life' work groups, that has led to the design of this ecology and process methodology.