GL ES: Reuse of Public Sector Information
The panel presented the status of PSI re-use in Spain—what are the main challenges ahead to maximise the potential of PSI in Spain; what are the problems that need to surmounted, and from the Public Sector what current and future measures are being and will be implemented.
Whilst the private sector representatives highlight that certain progress has been made in Spain both from the legislative and from the deployment point of view, they still consider that PSI re-use it is not a well known and implemented policy by Public Sector bodies overall, and the Public Sector bodies keep PSI closed. The panel aimed to identify what actions can be undertaken in the context of reduced public sector budgets, and the administrative regional /territorial nature of Spain.
Speakers and moderators: Mr. Ignacio Duran Boo (Spanish Cadastre),Mr. Sebastian Mas Mayoral, Geographical Institute, Mr. Carlos Alonso, President of ASEDIE (Chairman of the private re-use Association), Mr. David Cabo, vice-president PRO BONO PUBLICO, Mr. Alberto Ortiz de Zárate, ( Director de Atención a la Ciudadanía. Basque Country Government) and Mr. Carlos Marcos Martin( Deputy DG in the Presidency Ministry).