Actions: Implement the ideas proposed at the workshop
Proceed with the discussion and analysis of the challenges ahead, and implement concrete ideas proposed by the participants of the workshop, and more specifically the action points from the different breakout sessions.
Proceed with the discussion and analysis of the challenges ahead, and implement concrete ideas proposed by the participants of the workshop, and more specifically the action points from the different breakout sessions.
Three main ones:
Action 1: Set up a training program for policy makers to educate them on proper use of social media and establishing a code of practice they need to abide to when employing social networks for policy making purposes.
Action 2: Harmonize and standardize EU data protection laws and other regulations to ensure fair competition with U.S. social networks.
Action 3: Create a shared platform (a 'virtual Silicon Valley') purpose-built for the exchange of information, skills, business cases and best practices related to social networking across the EU, by leveraging existing platforms or building new ones.