Equity »Equity
Future will value natural resource & community as much as money... »Future will value natural resource & community as much as money...
Humans will make it. Somebody will create the future.  »Humans will make it. Somebody will create the future.
In total automation,all needs to be entrepreneurs, employing robots »In total automation,all needs to be entrepreneurs, employing robots
Increase disparity will grow as innovation hate increases.  »Increase disparity will grow as innovation hate increases.
Most current jobs will be automated over the next 20 years »Most current jobs will be automated over the next 20 years
Need to find new economic models »Need to find new economic models
People will not accept sameness. »People will not accept sameness.
Polarization will increase »Polarization will increase
Ppl all become owe & separate by lifestyle. No rich, just respected.  »Ppl all become owe & separate by lifestyle. No rich, just respected.
Social & Economic justice »Social & Economic justice
Social turmoil will increase »Social turmoil will increase
There will always be a pyramid scheme of social structure. »There will always be a pyramid scheme of social structure.
Tipping point between capital & mass automation »Tipping point between capital & mass automation
Use technology to help more than destroy »Use technology to help more than destroy
We will get careless and machines will rule us.  »We will get careless and machines will rule us.
What we consider "minimum acceptable quality of life" has problems. »What we consider "minimum acceptable quality of life" has problems.
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