Congressional funding of USIP is a sham
Congressional funding of USIP's is a hypocritical sham in the context of US military spending and military activity.

Colman McCarthy, writing in the Washington Post:

"As greatly as I admire the staff members at the institute and their professional commitment to increase peace and decrease violence, their work is necessarily little more than a balm on our delusional belief that our government places a high priority on peace... Now, the nation’s military is trapped in two wars it can’t win, can’t afford and can’t end. And...  the institute is stuck with its hopeless mission to “prevent and resolve violent international conflicts, promote post-conflict stability and development, and increase conflict management capacity, tools and intellectual capital worldwide...

...Congress says don’t agitate, just cogitate. Don’t criticize, just theorize. Sit in the boat, don’t rock it. Favor world peace, but don’t oppose U.S. wars."

The Future of the US Institute of Peace »The Future of the US Institute of Peace
Congressional Funding of USIP? »Congressional Funding of USIP?
Withdraw Congressional funding »Withdraw Congressional funding
Congressional funding of USIP is a sham
Spending on USIP is tiny and inadequate compared to its mission »Spending on USIP is tiny and inadequate compared to its mission
USIP's funding is tiny compared to military expenditure »USIP's funding is tiny compared to military expenditure
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