Global Trends in Technology, Education and Emerging Jobs
Resources and references on new and emerging trends in innovation and market creation can be found here.
Leadership & Systemic Innovation »Leadership & Systemic Innovation
Course Archive »Course Archive
Topics – 2016 »Topics – 2016
Overnight Mail, Insights and Inspirations »Overnight Mail, Insights and Inspirations
Global Trends in Technology, Education and Emerging Jobs
ACCENTURE - The Future of Work in Argentina »ACCENTURE - The Future of Work in Argentina
GEF - Future Agendas for Global Education »GEF - Future Agendas for Global Education
GEF - The Atlas of Emerging Jobs »GEF - The Atlas of Emerging Jobs
Invitación para participar en eventos de posible interés  »Invitación para participar en eventos de posible interés
WEF - Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2016 »WEF - Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2016
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