How to use this Living Map?
Click the graphic below to be taken to a help page on how to use the platform this Living map is built in

See the video for other uses of the Living Map format
Our advice is — just dive in and click on the ‘bubbles’ to explore. Each bubble brings up its own detailed content on the right side of the display, expanding on the topic posed in the bubble’s label. You will find texts, images, and videos you can play.

Also, if you move the mouse pointer over a bubble and wait there for a couple of seconds, a short summary text will pop up in a floating box.

Further uses of the Living Map format are found in this video about the technology Debategraph that The Service Communications Coop and True Story Insight used:



Urban Dialogues – Collaborations 2013 » Urban Dialogues – Collaborations 2013
How to use this Living Map?
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