Public Composition and Appointment of USIP's Board
The Public Composition and Appointment of the USIP Board of Directors is not consistent with that of a private organization.

The United States Institute of Peace Act defines the composition and appointment of USIP's Board of Directors as follows:


Sec. 1706 (a) The powers of the Institute shall be vested in a Board of Directors unless otherwise specified in this title.

(b) The Board shall consist of fifteen voting members as follows:
  1. The Secretary of State (or if the Secretary so designates, another officer of the Department of State who was appointed with the advice and consent of the Senate).
  2. The Secretary of Defense (of if the Secretary so designates, another officer of the Department of Defense who was appointed with the advice and consent of the Senate).
  3. The president of the National Defense University (or if the president so designates, the vice president of the National Defense University).
  4. Twelve individuals appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate."

The Future of the US Institute of Peace »The Future of the US Institute of Peace
Congressional Funding of USIP? »Congressional Funding of USIP?
Withdraw Congressional funding »Withdraw Congressional funding
USIP's work should be funded privately »USIP's work should be funded privately
USIP is a private organization »USIP is a private organization
Public Composition and Appointment of USIP's Board
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