[To accelerate convergence, we must learn to observe patterns of change as change unfolds and make sense of complex interactions. We must expand cooperation at higher levels and wider scales, and foster learning and collaboration processes that enable collective sense-making, co-creation, co-governance and conflict resolution on multiple scales to encourage institutional change. We must encourage learning and awareness of the needs of the whole, even if when the nature and operating systems of the whole are unknown.
We must sustain the complexity of larger scales of integration, and the specialization (find other word) of remote services that empower local organization.
This requires acknowledging multiple logically or physically overlapping or intersecting commons, and finding natural boundaries (subsidiarity).
Trends & Existing initiatives:
Dialogue facilitation methodologies and "systems intervention", "action learning", "systems thinking" and "whole system assessment" to draw new practices from. New collaborative and collective management practices and new forms of ownership within business. (what else?)]
- *Subsidiarity is an organizing principle stating that a matter ought to be handled by the smallest, lowest, or least centralized authority capable of addressing that matter effectively, and that a central authority should have a subsidiary function, performing only those tasks which cannot be performed effectively at a more immediate or local level.
- Ostrom's Common's governance model <<find relevant document - 'organizational' dimension>>.
Dynamics at work:
- Promoting "connections" conversations to help build on interactions and facilitate integrated shifts in larger and smaller scale practices allowing stakeholders to discover new ways to solve their mutual problems. Adopt appreciative methods of enquiry and conflict resolution, being open to seeing things as they are, as well as how you want them to be, to experiment, learn and adjust. Encourage questioning, learning, discovery and innovation, and our capacity to bootstrap, to invent seeds of change, plant and nurture them, and evolve. Find ways to work together and actively engage in learning processes that enable co-creation and co-governance and conflict resolution on all scales.
- Learning from grassroots community practices and early adopters, fostering growing awareness in each locality of the nature of local and global integration. Observing patterns of behaviors emerging and recognizing change as it unfolds, so that theory is always checked against reality of what is observed and emerges, and new learning can be integrated and made applicable.
- Who?: Local and regional communities and stakeholders -the people, local and regional governments and institutions, facilitator organizations, UN, governments, NGO's
Detailed Action Items: [Expand more?]
- Help the development of learning and observation of the system and methodologies that help make sense of our environment, interactions and emergent behaviors. Encourage questioning, learning, discovery and innovation, and our capacity to bootstrap, to invent seeds of change, plant and nurture them, and evolve.
- Promote "connections" conversations to help build on interactions and help spreading of methodologies and participative processes allowing stakeholders to discover new ways to solve their mutual problems, fostering growing awareness in each locality of the nature of local and global integration.
- Expand on and diffuse Elinor Ostrom's approach to polycentism, principle of subsidiarity, approaches to find the 'natural' boundaries and of co-governance.