The Living We - An Ecology for Transformative Action

Helene Finidori
In our dreams we see a Living WE, a matrix, a womb... where WE, each of us and all of us, inspired, empowered and enabled, give birth to a caring, meaningful and purposeful future. Where WE coalesce to co-construct new rules, reproducible ventures, and concrete positive outcomes. Where WE converse, tell stories, exchange experience, examine possibilities, learn, research, evaluate, create, invent, modelize, experiment, adopt, practice… Where WE initiate and LIVE the change we want to see…

The Living WE is a global laboratory of thought and actions, taking multiple paths. Where WE, each of us and all of us, have a role to play, each with our diverse talents, sensitivities, passions and energies to achieve better futures... It gives us a voice, stimulates our choice and transforms our activity into achievements…

The Living WE is purpose centered and allows the purpose of each of us to be a center of organization and action, while converging towards an overarching purpose. It creates an appreciative connection between each of us and our environment, between all of us and our ecosystem…

The Living WE is based on our shared idea of why change must occur, on a shared direction towards our converging purposes with a compass to guide us along the way, a few virtues and philosophical principles as the stars and planets of our expanded horizon that we use to navigate…

The Living WE gathers human trust and harnesses commitment. It absorbs, channels, aggregates, debates, integrates, enriches, acts upon and renews an ever-evolving flow of tacit knowledge and experience. It provides the substance, tools, and practical examples that enable us to bridge our macro and our micro perspectives and dynamics, to transform our big ideas into small local actions and combine our small actions into large outcomes. It inserts our local independence in a global interdependence, and bridges our virtual and physical worlds…

The Living WE encourages self-organization and evolves organically. It grows by contagion, through interaction and influence, P2P. It snowballs ideas, innovations and practices and expands consciousness. All in ways that enable us to see evolution in the making and the transformative impact of each of us and all of us…

The Living WE adds up the small power and influence of each of us to move mountains. It is a legitimate counter and balancing power against any new world or national order or superpower. It keeps us safe from accelerating pace of life and protects us against collapse & singularity…

The Living WE is humanity as custodian of our ecosystem…
Poster created by Helene Finidori on 11:09 PM 15 October 2011 GMT
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