Jobs in the USA
A debate map starting to build on Dorai Thodla's suggestion from his blog post: A different kind of knowledge through debates (see Detailed Text).

From Dorai's blog:

"Here is a scenario I would like to play in your mind.

Let us collect a set of videos on a specific topic. Let us create a debategraph that deep links various videos. Let people pitch in and add their arguments. We will be building an amazing knowledge base that combines some of the best resources (free) on the internet."

...and from the Comments on the post:

"How about creating jobs in USA, as a topic for debate? I think there is some illusion that lots of lost jobs are some how coming back. There may be many arguments – bring back manufacturing, prevent leakage through regulation, develop skills etc. I would love to know what individuals can do to help? Understanding is the first step. Where can we collect good ideas and act on them? After all it is not just the government’s job alone."

Jobs in the USA
Causes of the decline in USA Jobs? »Causes of the decline in USA Jobs?
Future trends in US Jobs? »Future trends in US Jobs?
What can individuals do to help? »What can individuals do to help?
What policy measures can the US government implement? »What policy measures can the US government implement?
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