Pattern Researchers
Pattern Researchers collect patterns related either to a certain application domain (e. g. architecture), or related to a certain design context (e. g. pattern of school architecture) within that domain. There are two kinds of pattern researchers: those related to Christopher Alexander using basically his terminology and methodology. "informal pattern researcher" work (or have worked) on the same issues but without being aware of Alexander.100-1000 pattern researchers world-wide.
Pattern Research »Pattern Research
Pattern Researchers
Informal Pattern Researchers »Informal Pattern Researchers
Christopher Alexander »Christopher Alexander
Diana Laurillard »Diana Laurillard
Doug Schuler »Doug Schuler
Erich Gamma »Erich Gamma
Frank Leymann »Frank Leymann
Franz Nahrada »Franz Nahrada
Hajo Neis »Hajo Neis
Helene Finidori »Helene Finidori
Helmut Leitner »Helmut Leitner
Jenny Quillian »Jenny Quillian
Johanna Barzen »Johanna Barzen
Joseph Bergin »Joseph Bergin
Kent Beck »Kent Beck
Linda Rising »Linda Rising
Mary Lynn Manns »Mary Lynn Manns
Nikos Salingaros »Nikos Salingaros
Peter Baumgartner »Peter Baumgartner
Richard Gabriel »Richard Gabriel
Rob Hopkins »Rob Hopkins
Silke Helfrich »Silke Helfrich
Takashi Iba »Takashi Iba
Thomas Schlechte »Thomas Schlechte
Ward Cunningham »Ward Cunningham
Wolfgang Stark »Wolfgang Stark
Helmut Leitner »Helmut Leitner
Pattern Research Domains »Pattern Research Domains
Pattern Research Community »Pattern Research Community
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